Todo el día


In 2019 EPA will celebrate 36 years of activity and will be holding its 19th International Congress and Exhibition. The Association has come a long way, growing in size, activity and stature, and today the EPA Congress is unquestionably the most important international parking and mobility event in Europe. In 2019 the Congress will reach a new level and will mark a strategic change in EPA’s development. EPA together with ASESGA, the Spanish Parking Association who will be hosting the event, is making every effort to ensure the Congress is a worthwhile, enjoyable and a memorable event. The Congress’ theme is entitled Key solutions for urban mobility and it will cover all matters of current interest of our business activity and the threats and opportunities of the future. We will be examining the overall parking and urban mobility situation in Europe enabling us to address wider issues of urban mobility alongside detailed parking matters, indicating that parking is not a huge problem, but a huge opportunity. The exhibition will have interactive areas where visitors can experience simulated realities. The electrical smart city development in Malaga will certainly be an exciting and illuminating experience.


Evento especializado en la ortodoncia invisible con alineadores, con un programa atractivo e innovador con el fin de que un año más nuestro encuentro se convierta en un referente para todos los profesionales relacionados con la Ortodoncia. El objetivo principal es reunir a todos aquellos profesionales interesados en la Ortodoncia, que cada día goza de más fuerza en el sector, y a las múltiples empresas implicadas en la prestación de productos y servicios imprescindibles para el trabajo diario en esta práctica.