Legal statement

Use of the website:

The website has been created by the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga and is meant to provide information to visitors to the precincts as well as to open a new channel of communication and provision of services between the former, the exhibitors, customers and to the public in general. .

Access to all its pages is free and anonymous except for those areas which, for security reasons, require the registration of the User for his access to that area. The Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration and services offered on the website.

Obligations of the user:

  1. Access and use of the services kept on this Web Site entail the full acceptance of the general conditions of use as stated in the present document. The User undertakes to use the contents (“contents” meaning texts, charts, maps, drawings, designs, guides, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sound, images, information, links or anything else created and protected by national laws and international treaties regarding intellectual and industrial property), as well as the services proposed, in a correct and lawful manner, in accordance with the law, ethical standards and commonly accepted customs.
  2. In this sense, the User undertakes not to reproduce, distribute, change, modify or manipulate the contents or the technical protection devices or the configuration of the Web Site. Therefore the user will not at any time use different means, other than those that the Web Site has made available to him, with the purpose of obtaining any type of material, information or archives thereby included.
  3. The User will likewise abstain from carrying out activities that might damage, render inoperative, overload or deteriorate the pages, or hinder the normal use or enjoyment of the Web Site and its services by other users.
  4. HYPERLINKS: The User cannot establish hyperlinks from another Web Site without prior specific written consent from the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga.

Information to the user:

Cookies: See Cookies Policy.

Personal data: See Privacy Policy.

Contents of third parties:

The Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga gives very high priority to developing communication between exhibitors, the media, and users of its web and computer facilities.  It has accordingly set up a website where exhibitors and customers can display information about their own activities. The Center acts exclusively as an intermediary for the transmission and dissemination of such data and contents.

The Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga specifies that said data and content remain at all times under the copyright and responsibility of the authors concerned who are solely responsible for their veracity, legality, continuity and updating . The Center declines, therefore, all liability for information provided by the authors.

The Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga declines any responsibility with regard to the information provided by the exhibitors, who are the only responsible parties for their veracity and legality.

Exclusion of liability on the part of the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga:

The Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga does not at any time control the use that the Users make of the Web Site, for this reason it does not accept responsibility for the actions that the Users might have carried out, and which were not in accordance with what was foreseen in this document.

The Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga does not guarantee that its Web Site or the supplying Server are free of virus. Nor does it guarantee any other elements that may produce alterations in the IT system of the User due to actions by third parties, or the setting up of unauthorized hyperlinks.

The Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga cannot guarantee the accuracy of its contents nor their continuity, and reserves the right to carry out variations or modifications of the contents unilaterally, fully or partially, or to interrupt or withdraw access when it considers necessary.

Services offered by third parties:

The User may access pages of information or services offered by third parties by means of links. The operations that the user may carry out or the information he may find, are responsibility and where relevant compel the user and the holder of the page, and the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga renounce any responsibility on this subject.

Legal regime:

These general conditions are governed by Spanish Law.  The Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga and the user expressly waive any other jurisdiction and undertake to appear before the Courts and Tribunals of Malaga.

General information:

Empresa Municipal de Iniciativas y Actividades Empresariales de Málaga, S.A.

Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga

CIF: A-29233681

Avda. José Ortega y Gasset, 201 – 29006, Malaga, Spain.

Tel:: +

Fax: +

Primary Domain of the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga:: “” registered in Centro Cibernético de Servicios T.I. S.L. (CentroRed) 15/09/2004.