Talking about FYCMA

Organisers, sponsors and collaborators talk about their experience with us.

“This venue islaid out in such a way that, whatever your needs are, it can accommodate everything”

Meri Kokotova, CMO & Partner TBM Group

“We have worked very closely with the entire FYCMA team”

Sandra Infante, Director - DES (Digital Enterprise Show)

“FYCMA’s staff: professionalism, perfection, flexibility, positivity, entrepreneurial spirit and excellence”

Laila E., Chief, EPS, UNOCT New York - High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism

“The coordination with FYCMA was magnificent”

Ignacio Ibáñez, Chief a.i UNOCT Madrid» – High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism

“The great thing about working with FYCMA was their ability to adapt to our way of working”

Sean Willis, Managing Director of Terrapinn

“The key of FYCMA is all its services: streamings, catering, translation, flexibility and a good team”

Christine Lawson, Conference Director – IPCRG World Conference
eventos del motor foto entrevistado

“We are very happy to work in this venue thanks to the way we are treated by the management and staff”

José Enrique Elvira, Eventos del Motor

“We put forward our needs and they gave us all the solutions to make an event almost effortlessly”

Francisco Bueno, AOTEC

“FYCMA equals success”

Javier Ramos, Director Gamepolis and Freakcon

“Their team allowed us to produce an edition with greater capacity, quality and presence among the companies”

Beatriz Galea, e-Congress Málaga

“FYCMA provide you with a very close treatment, providing solutions to the problems that arise”

Francisco Cabrera, Andalucía Management

“FYCMA offer us a lot of flexibility, located in a strategic city thanks to its international airport”

Rebeca Pastor, Nesi Forum

“FYCMA offer us everything we need to host any event”

Carmina Solsona, SEMFYC

Click on any of the links below and discover some of the success stories that have happened in our facilities.

Meri Kokotova, CMO & Partner de TBM Group (organizador de AI Tech Summit 2024)


AI Tech Summit serves as a dynamic platform for technology professionals to share knowledge on the latest advances in AI and its applications and learn how to leverage these technologies to create new business opportunities and drive growth. Also, it aims to collectively address the opportunities and challenges presented by AI. The event landed for the first time in Spain, specifically in Malaga, and brought together technology enthusiasts, industry leaders and AI experts for an incredible experience focused on networking, collaboration and knowledge sharing.

«I don’t think there is any other venue comparable to this in the city. It’s so spacious, and it’s laid out in such a way that, whatever your needs are, it can accommodate everything…»

Sandra Infante, «Director» – DES (Digital Enterprise Show)»


DES – Digital Enterprise Show, has become the largest European professional event on digital business transformation and one of the global benchmarks that offers senior management the latest technological solutions and products to accompany large corporations, SMEs and European Public Administrations towards digital transformation. Over 3 days, it combines technology and innovation with digital leadership, technological solutions to improve customer and employee experience, optimisation of operational processes and the identification of new business models, services and products across all industries.

“We have worked closely with the entire FYCMA team, from the security structure, the feeding structure, and all the small details that we have had to build with all the suppliers, and in this sense we have had the collaboration of the entire team”

High-Level Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism

Laila E. «Chief, EPS, UNOCT New York» – High-Level Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism»


The High-Level Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism, part of the 7th review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, was a high-profile international event for a robust and practical exchange on how to strengthen social cohesion, build resilience and effectively incorporate human rights, gender equality and the rule of law into the international community’s response to terrorism and violent extremism. The conference was preceded by a workshop on the role of civil society in promoting human rights and countering terrorism, organised by the Government of Spain and the UN Special Rapporteur.

“When I think of FYCMA’s staff, the words that immediately come to mind are professionalism, perfection, flexibility, positivity, entrepreneurial spirit and excellence”

Ignacio Ibáñez, «Chief a.i UNOCT Madrid» – High-Level Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism»


The High-Level Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism, part of the 7th review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, was a high-profile international event for a robust and practical exchange on how to strengthen social cohesion, build resilience and effectively incorporate human rights, gender equality and the rule of law into the international community’s response to terrorism and violent extremism. The conference was preceded by a workshop on the role of civil society in promoting human rights and countering terrorism, organised by the Government of Spain and the UN Special Rapporteur.

“The coordination, both from the people assigned by FYCMA and from the mayor’s office, was magnificent from the very first moment, trying to provide facilities, seeing how to solve problems or potential challenges that we might have”

Sean Willis, «Managing Director of Terrapinn (organiser)»


Rail Live! brings together high-level leaders driving innovation, investment and digital transformation in the global rail sector. From infrastructure managers to high-speed rail projects, metro systems to freight forwarders, the event represents the entire rail industry. The programme features more than 250 speakers, over 100 exhibitors and more than 100 start-ups in attendance.

“The great thing about working with FYCMA was their ability to adapt to our way of working and our standards, their adaptability and flexibility were excellent”


Christine Lawson, «Conference Director – IPCRG World Conference»


The IPCRG World Conference is a meeting place for respiratory health professionals with leading international speakers addressing many of the issues in the medical field today, such as climate action for health, prevention, diagnosis and management of common infectious and non-communicable respiratory problems in primary care.

“The key of FYCMA is all its services: streamings, catering, translation, flexibility and a good team”

eventos del motor foto entrevistado

José Enrique Elvira, «Director Eventos del Motor»

Eventos del Motor

Eventos del Motor is a company dedicated for more than 28 years to the organisation of fairs and exhibitions in which the motor world is the protagonist, in particular they are specialists in the classic car sector. With offices in both Spain and Portugal, the company’s activity also covers the sporting field, with the organisation of Racing-Shows standing out. More than 200 fairs organised and 7 million visitors received, make them the leading private company in the sector in the Iberian Peninsula.

“We are very happy to work in this venue thanks to the way we are treated by the management and staff”

francisco bueno

Francisco Bueno, “Vice-president of AOTEC” (Organiser)


AOTEC is a organisation whose objective is the representation, promotion, coordination and defence of local telecommunications operators. It is the only national entity in this field and brings together more than 150 companies.

“We put forward our needs and they gave us all the solutions to make an event almost effortlessly”


Javier Ramos, director Gamepolis and Freakon (Organiser)


Position: Director of Gamepolis and FreakCon

Name of the company, description and background: Our company, Kaiju Entertainment, is formed by a specialized and multidisciplinary team dedicated to the organization of technological, cultural and entertainment events with more than 10 years in the sector, among other events that we organize Gamepolis and FreakCon, events that in its last two editions add more than 72,000 attendees.

Event or events in which we have worked together. Highlights and main milestones: Since 2013 we have been holding events at the Gamepolis Palace of Malaga Gamepolis 2013, Gamepolis 2014, Gamepolis 2015, Gamepolis 2016 FreakCon 2017 Gamepolis 2017, FreakCon 2018 and Gamepolis 2018, the data to highlight is that we are the Festival number one of Andalucía de Videojuegos and of the main ones of the country mobilizing, more than 52,000 people in our last edition of Gamepolis, having great presentations in exclusive of Videojuegos of international marks.

Comment on your experience in FYCMA: For us, we can not be more proud of having a building of these characteristics in Malaga and with a staff so dedicated that everything will be perfect.

Why did you choose FYCMA?: From the first moment we analyzed where was the best place to do Gamepolis, and for us after a year traveling around Espalña we realized that in our own city we had the best venue to celebrate the event, highlighting the facilities and communications that Málaga has.

What is the main value that FYCMA brings to your event?: The greatest value is the human team that forms FYCMA, because as I said before, they work and facilitate everything to make the event a success.

What aspect of the attention received would you highlight?: The availability of the entire team to solve day-to-day issues of an event of these characteristics.

Why would you recommend FYCMA to another organizer?: FYCMA is equal to success, any initiative that you want to make within FYCMA I am sure that the team will do everything possible to adapt to the needs of the client so I would recommend it to any organizer.

“FYCMA equal success”

beatriz galea

Beatriz Galea, “Director eCongress Málaga” (Organiser)


eCongress Malaga is a reference for professionals who use new technologies for #marketing and #sales. The success of the ten editions already held, with more than 160 speakers and more than 5,500 attendees, has consolidated it as the main event in southern Europe in this field.

“Their team allowed us to produce an edition with greater capacity, quality and presence among the companies”

francisco cabrera

Francisco Cabrera, «Director Andalucía Management» (Organiser)

andalucia management

Andalucía Management has established itself as a forum for dialogue and plural debate which, through renowned personalities and by addressing current issues, aims to be a meeting point for the Andalusian business community.

“FYCMA provide you with a very close treatment, providing solutions to the problems that arise”

rebeca pastor

Rebeca Pastor, «Co-Founder NESI Forum» (Organiser)


NESI Forum is a New Economy and Social Innovation forum that has the vision of co-creating a more sustainable, collaborative, fair and democratic economic model. NESI Forum is a biennial event that brings together socio-economic actors from around the world to share the latest developments in social innovation and the new economy. NESI’s mission is to catalyse the co-creation of this new economy by connecting key players locally and globally.

“FYCMA offer us a lot of flexibility, located in a strategic city thanks to its international airport”

carmina solsona

Carmina Solsona, “semFYC Congress Manager” (Organiser)

sem fyc

The semFYC is the federation that brings together the 17 Societies of Family and Community Medicine that exist in Spain and brings together more than 20,000 specialists in Family Medicine. The semFYC is committed to the continuous development of Family Medicine and Primary Care, generating new knowledge based on the progress of research, training new professionals and promoting the immediate incorporation of Family Medicine in the university.

“FYCMA offer us everything we need to host any event”

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