The Congress What Really Matters is a free, enjoyable and participative meeting, held to bring young people closer to universal human values such as tolerance, overcoming, respect and solidarity through exemplary life stories. inspiring that make them reflect on the things that really matter in life.


The objective of the congress is to exchange knowledge and experiences in the fields of information systems and communications technologies applied to tourism. The congress will consist of a series of sessions in which scientific-technical contributions and management experiences in the sector will be presented.


The next days 1, 2 and 3 November 2018 the Spanish Association of Endodontics (AEDE) organizes its National Congress in Malaga, which will be chaired by Alberto Sierra Lorenzo. For this edition we are working on a varied, current and interesting program that has a great scientific and clinical load where the most hot topics of the endodontics present will be addressed by recognized international and national speakers


It has become a reference forum in Andalusia to improve and deepen knowledge of various issues that affect this tourism model, highlight the role of tourist housing in Andalusia and publicize data on its economic impact on community


A tour with more than 60 concerts distributed throughout Spain and Portugal in which the greatest tribute to the composer, winner of 5 Oscars and holder of 59 nominations is rendered. It is a very special tour in which the best songs by the great composer will be performed, by the hand of the charismatic conductor Constantino Martínez-Orts. As a novelty, the FSO TOUR 2018/19 will include more than 4 hours of live music divided into 2 different programs. On this tour, FSO will offer double the music, show and emotion. More than 30 soundtracks divided into two concerts that you can not miss. You can listen to the music of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Memories of a Geisha, JFK, The Patriot, Jurassic Park, Harry Potter, Schindler's List and many more Are you going to miss it? Who comes ... always repeats! Do not let them tell you.



Movement to support the development of small entrepreneurs, self-employed and professionals


Manu Tenorio returns with strength with his new album 'Indefinida Collection'. Do not miss your next concert in Malaga.



Forum of dialogue and debate, where prestigious personalities address current issues. Its goal is to be the meeting point where you can learn, be inspired and share your passion for business.

I Branding Day

SER Empresarios organizes the I Branding Day Málaga, a reference event in the area of ​​marketing and communication. Andy Stalman, Cristina Burzako, Mario Vaquerizo, Cristina Vicedo, Enrique Moreno, Pablo Alzugaray, Raquel Aznar or David Meca will provide the keys to the creation of brands and success in the business.



Dial tal cual es un programa de radio referente de la música en español y reflejo incesante de la intensa actividad musical de Cadena Dial, presentado por Rafa Cano, uno de los locutores más influyentes del panorama nacional. El programa acoge los artistas más importantes del paronama nacional, siendo el lugar preferido para presentar sus últimos discos, además de ser la guía perfecta para reflejar el éxito de sus conciertos y sus últimas noticias. El próximo 15 de diciembre, acogeremos el programa en directo desde el FYCMA, contando con artistas de la talla de Vanesa Martín, David DeMaría, DVicio, Nerea o Lorena Gómez.

Adexe & Nau

MAC – Málaga Auditorium Club Avenida de José Ortega y Gasset, 201, Málaga, Málaga, España

The brothers Adexe and Nau will perform at the Mac in Málaga, offering us a concert full of surprises


Michael Legend Musical

Michael Legend (Jackson Tribute) is considered the best musical tribute to Michael Jackson today, a show where we can see the best double in the world along with an excellent musical training, and an excellent team of dancers, showgirls and guest artists, presenting a total of 12 people on stage. A live show that shows with great credibility and realism, the work that Michael Jackson planned to do in his concert tour that was scheduled to take place in 2009 and at the same time announced his departure from the stages: "This is it". A tour that was finally truncated by his unexpected death, shocking the whole world. This show offers us a very accurate vision of how to conceive the show that offered the "King of Pop" on stage, using the exact replicas of their costumes, choreography, and the same staging.


MAC – Málaga Auditorium Club Avenida de José Ortega y Gasset, 201, Málaga, Málaga, España

The singer of Operación Triunfo offers us in concert his tour "Principios". The first album of Luis Cepeda came to light on June 29, in which we can find own songs made with the complicity of the producer and composer David Santisteban, known for his work with India Martínez, Antonio José and María Parrado, among Many others.



One more year, all lovers and collectors of classic vehicles from the south of the country and especially from the Andalusian community have an unmissable event at the Retro Auto & Moto Malaga Show.